* We do not descended from slaves, we descended from people who were enslaved
Open Letter To President Barack Obama
Mr President,
Our organization, Afro Cuban Forum, is the only one among the Cuban exiles that focuses directly on race relations both in the US and in Cuba. We are a group of Cubans who live either in Cuba or abroad, of all races, ages, sexual inclinations, creeds, political views and philosophical persuasions in which the ONLY prerequisite is our distinct awareness of the dynamics and the challenges of a full racial integration.
We support ourselves with the proceeds of our membership and will negotiate contributions from private donors; we have not applied for any tax payer's funded grants.
The very fabric of AFC makes it possible for some of us to approach the change of course in the US - Cuban regime relations from many different angles; however, the dream of somehow helping the average Cuban is unanimously shared.
We understand that the sacred duty of a US president is to defend the vital interests of our great nation and monitoring a "soft landing" in the neighboring island makes perfect sense from the geopolitical standpoint. It is, thus precisely in the pursuit of those interests that the racial issue must be uppermost in dealing with the Cuban government. More than half of the island's population is of African descent according to our estimates (the accurate percentage of blacks has always been the object of utmost secrecy and manipulation) and they have been historically discriminated against and are now intentionally neglected by the Castros. They are the overwhelming majority in the penal population and very rarely enjoy the meager benefits of the wrongly called "private sector".
Black Cubans are conspicuously absent from the board meetings of state owned corporations (all corporations belong to the state), the hotel front desks and any of those positions where a dollar or two may be earned.
The aforementioned situation is the perfect formula for a social explosion once the regime inevitably loosens its grip on power. All sorts of creatures exit the dustbin once the lid is off, and THAT, merely 90 miles away, is a distinct threat to our national security.
To be more clear Mr President; the future of the Cuban people must be discussed, negotiated, or fought out among Cubans; we should not and must not expect you to bring freedom to our native island; however, it is not encouraging to realize that despite all the rhetoric of change and a new course of action the meeting behind closed doors theory persists. Mr Ben Rhodes came to Miami and met with a handful of Cubans; he was videotaped in the company of a black Cuban entertainer; which reinforces the stereotyped narrative of black Cubans being good only to entertain and run after a ball. Why not an open meeting with all of us? we regret that the sample was too small to objectively convey our views.
But we have done our part, now you know that continuing to sweep the racial problem under the rug can lead to disaster in the island and could even trigger an undesired violent outcome should we keep ignoring it. This transcends the realm of Cuba's internal affairs and is a ticking time bomb.
As the powerful tires of Air Force One regally skid on the runway at Jose Marti International Airport the world will be engaged in celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, no contrast can be starker, no symbol can be more suitable, no challenge can be more formidable.
We remain hopeful that this missive contributes to establishing a transparent channel of communication between our government and the entirety of the Cuban American community; meanwhile allow us to wish you and your family the best in the remainder of your term as our Commander in Chief and in your life as a private citizen.
Executive Committee.
269 NW 7th St. Suite 117 Miami Fl. 33136
Email: [email protected]
Our organization, Afro Cuban Forum, is the only one among the Cuban exiles that focuses directly on race relations both in the US and in Cuba. We are a group of Cubans who live either in Cuba or abroad, of all races, ages, sexual inclinations, creeds, political views and philosophical persuasions in which the ONLY prerequisite is our distinct awareness of the dynamics and the challenges of a full racial integration.
We support ourselves with the proceeds of our membership and will negotiate contributions from private donors; we have not applied for any tax payer's funded grants.
The very fabric of AFC makes it possible for some of us to approach the change of course in the US - Cuban regime relations from many different angles; however, the dream of somehow helping the average Cuban is unanimously shared.
We understand that the sacred duty of a US president is to defend the vital interests of our great nation and monitoring a "soft landing" in the neighboring island makes perfect sense from the geopolitical standpoint. It is, thus precisely in the pursuit of those interests that the racial issue must be uppermost in dealing with the Cuban government. More than half of the island's population is of African descent according to our estimates (the accurate percentage of blacks has always been the object of utmost secrecy and manipulation) and they have been historically discriminated against and are now intentionally neglected by the Castros. They are the overwhelming majority in the penal population and very rarely enjoy the meager benefits of the wrongly called "private sector".
Black Cubans are conspicuously absent from the board meetings of state owned corporations (all corporations belong to the state), the hotel front desks and any of those positions where a dollar or two may be earned.
The aforementioned situation is the perfect formula for a social explosion once the regime inevitably loosens its grip on power. All sorts of creatures exit the dustbin once the lid is off, and THAT, merely 90 miles away, is a distinct threat to our national security.
To be more clear Mr President; the future of the Cuban people must be discussed, negotiated, or fought out among Cubans; we should not and must not expect you to bring freedom to our native island; however, it is not encouraging to realize that despite all the rhetoric of change and a new course of action the meeting behind closed doors theory persists. Mr Ben Rhodes came to Miami and met with a handful of Cubans; he was videotaped in the company of a black Cuban entertainer; which reinforces the stereotyped narrative of black Cubans being good only to entertain and run after a ball. Why not an open meeting with all of us? we regret that the sample was too small to objectively convey our views.
But we have done our part, now you know that continuing to sweep the racial problem under the rug can lead to disaster in the island and could even trigger an undesired violent outcome should we keep ignoring it. This transcends the realm of Cuba's internal affairs and is a ticking time bomb.
As the powerful tires of Air Force One regally skid on the runway at Jose Marti International Airport the world will be engaged in celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, no contrast can be starker, no symbol can be more suitable, no challenge can be more formidable.
We remain hopeful that this missive contributes to establishing a transparent channel of communication between our government and the entirety of the Cuban American community; meanwhile allow us to wish you and your family the best in the remainder of your term as our Commander in Chief and in your life as a private citizen.
Executive Committee.
269 NW 7th St. Suite 117 Miami Fl. 33136
Email: [email protected]
The executive committee of Afro Cuban forum
extends a warm, sincere and heartfelt thank you to each and every person that attended the historical launch “AFRO CUBAN FORUM” at CubaOcho on February 27, 2016 in Little Havana.
This as an important and historical first step towards a better understanding, acceptance, and preservation of afro cuban culture but more importantly this will lead to a better and brighter future and improved life for all Cubans.
With well over 100 attendees, the early feedback and response to our event is overwhelmingly positive and welcoming of our cause, objectives and purpose.
We want to note a special recognition to the following contributors and supporters of our event
Roberto and his staff at Cuba Ocho
Nilo Julian Gonzalez Preval
MC Maykel Extremo
Poeta Liriko
El Meple-artista del tambor
DJ Raphox
MC Alejandro Cuello
Soandry Del Rio
all in attendance at CubaOcho
our friends and family that support our sacrifice and efforts
all members of the media that were present
the governmental and political leaders that attended
Again from the bottom of each of our hearts of all members of the executive committee thank you all!
The 2016 Afro Cuban forum executive committee.
Albúm del lanzamiento
Black Affairs Advisory Board Chair's Message
The members of the Black Affairs Advisory Board believe that by working together, we can make a difference. Each of our appointed Board members volunteer their time in service to the County by working to ensure that our elected officials and our County government, pay attention to the issues that impact Miami-Dade County residents of African descent. We serve as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Black World Community.
Our motto this year has been “Ten Percent Talk and Ninety Percent Action.” As a result, we are a very busy Board. We are proud of our Miami-Dade County Coordinated Response Team (MDC-CRT) initiative which provides coordinated services to those impacted by the violence that devastates our community. The MDC-CRT connects victims of violence and their families with public, private and government services. We also recognize that improving the economic health of the Black World Community will do much to address many of the problems of the Black World Community. Our Economic Development Committee is working with local banks in furtherance of the “Black Affairs Advisory Board’s Homeownership Initiative,” which seeks to provide concrete opportunities for those seeking the American Dream of homeownership. We invite the you to attend our monthly meetings, and encourage your participation. Black Affairs Advisory Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Stephen P. Clark Center. To address the board, please call (305) 375-4606 to be added to the monthly agenda. Sincerely, Stephen Hunter Johnson, Chair |
Recent News
La BDR es la única revista profesional que dentro de los Estudios de la Diáspora Negra, presenta un panorama, una configuración y una crítica de esta disciplina, tanto nacional como internacionalmente.
Black Diaspora Review (BDR) le invita a participar en su número monográfico dedicado al tema Afrodescendientes en una Cuba Desbloqueada. La revista contribuciones en las siguientes disciplinas: historia, etnografía, sociología, psicología, antropología y estudios culturales. |