By 1912 For years the right has allowed the left to define it; it has outrageously outsourced its own labeling; in a way, the right has suffered, or should I say self inflicted the same treatment that African Americans and minorities in general have suffered, i.e. someone else sticks a title on them; white scholars and patronizing individuals dare to assume how they feel and in so doing even dictate what they should do; well I’m a little of both: a human being on the “right” side of history as well as someone with a darker skin; and boy!!! Am I tired of being labeled by elitist merchants of grief.
I refuse to look the other way when they call me names. “Uncle Tom sera tu madre” would be the Cuban version of my mood and it is time that all of us black Cuban Americans or black Hispanic Americans in general who want to think out of the box and stay away from the left’s plantation take control over our own lives. I will not let them dominate the rhetoric and I’m herewith calling their bluff: We can be Republicans and admit that millions of vehicles spitting CO2 up in the air may damage our environment while we denounce Al Gore’s hypocrisy. We may be conservatives and embrace the cause that defends and validates human dignity regardless of one’s sexual inclination. We may proudly remain to the right of the political spectrum without necessarily being paralyzed or stagnant. We may advocate for fewer regulations so that business can unleash its immense potential and at the same time make sure that the economic scenario does not become a jungle in which only the very rich thrive. We can tap our natural resources so that no foreign nation or cartel of nations can extort us and at the same time we can look for any and all sources of energy so that disproportionate dependence on fossil fuel does not turn us into a fossil country. We may defend the sacrosanct right of a fetus to become a breathing human being without resorting to draconian laws that straightjacket our women. We can, in a nutshell, be guided by common sense in all our decisions impeding that the extreme left achieves its strategic objective of pushing us to the far right; we must once and for all defeat the notion of the right being equal to bigotry and backwardness; we must unmask the left’s push for the canonization of socialism and resolutely embrace those causes that may be useful to the average American; we must not run away from an issue simply because the left has appropriated it; on the contrary we must grab it from their gnarled fingers and make it our own; we must beak all stereotypes; jump off all hurdles and emerge victorious from the ideological mud fight; one half of the country cannot and must not silence the other half; our voices must be heard loud and clear. They call themselves progressive but they want to rewind life to the 60s and the totalitarian role of government; let’s not fear the words, progress is what we stand for; we look forward, they are fixated with failed old communist recipes that worked nowhere and ruined peoples everywhere. We represent progress, they want to push us into the abyss. We are progressive, compassionate conservatives; they are godless purveyors of evil.
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